The tile showing at the library was cancelled; they moved me to March! I'm so disappointed. I had been trying to contact them, but lots of crossed wires, and I'd recently changed my phone number. So, moved to AFTER the Christmas season, which bums me out, but hoping that all the renewed activity on the internet will drum up some biz.
Can I be perfectly honest with you? I love holing up in my little house with my family and my sewing, gardening, and most of all having some tile to paint. I've done so much of it over the years, but every one is a new experience, a new life. I have no kids of my own, so I send these out into the world and hope they make me proud. :)
Ok, I just got all goober on you guys. Guys? You still out there?
Happy almost October. Love this fall season. I miss the changing leaves up in Pennsylvania where I used to live, but it's nice not having to worry about snowdrifts up to my eyeballs.
Hope everyone is doing well out there.